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“So many books, so little time.”


Dirty Deeds

Dirty Deeds  - S.E. Jakes [b:Dirty Deeds|18719259|Dirty Deeds (Dirty Deeds, #1)|S.E. Jakes|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1383100929s/18719259.jpg|26585179]
I read this immediately after Long Time Gone by S.E. Jakes and was very please to get more of the mysterious Cillian. I think Mal is the perfect match for him and will keep him on his toes. This feels like it should be part of the Hell or High Water series but, it looks like S.E. Jakes has other plans.

My ONLY complaint is that’s is waaay too short. It felt like a teaser to me

The story was sexy and intriguing with all the sexting done thru IM’ing and it sets us up for what is to become of the search for John. I love the “behind the scenes” manipulating that happens with Prophet & Mal.

I can’t wait for the next book in this series along with Hell or High Water – it’s like these books go hand in hand (no pun intended).